LaSalle International, Inc. has put together a team of environmental and construction professionals with extensive experience cleaning up and remediating both refined and unrefined petroleum in soil and ground and surface water. These services include both in-situ and ex-situ technologies including but not limited to:
Bioremediation (in-situ/ex-situ)
Soil Vapor Extraction
Ground and Surface Water Treatment
Chemical Oxidation
Soil Washing
Oil/water separation
LaSalle International, Inc. has an exclusive agreement with Advanced BioCatalytics Corporation and their subsidiary, Oilfield Remediation, LLC, for use and distribution of their proprietary protein-based surfactant/dispersant recently developed and trademarked in December 2012.
Accell Clean® SWA and Accell Clean® DPP incorporate patented technology that amplifies the ability of surfactants to penetrate, lift and clean contaminants from surfaces faster and more efficiently than other surfactants or traditional cleaners that depend on solvents and caustic chemicals to achieve their cleaning power. Demanding applications, such as oil that is aged in heat and sun, or oil sludge in oil storage tanks, can be removed more efficiently and safely than with traditional solvents or diesel. Accell Clean® SWA has additional uses in disaster-related contamination such as structures, equipment, rail systems, streets, walls, floors and sewer areas. After cleaning, analogous to Accell® SBR, because they both contain P-SS™ technology, when Accell Clean® SWA is used to clean spills, it keeps on working after application and can stimulate the biodegradation and removal of residual oils, hydrocarbons and organic contaminants in water, soil, or sand substrates. Accell® SBR is formulated with a nutrient package that specifically focuses on accelerating biodegradation, rather than cleaning.
Accell® SBR is efficient in accelerating the biodegradation of hydrocarbons and other organic contaminants in soil by the existing soil microflora. It may also be applied in combination with bacterial cocktails, enhancing the activities of the latter. From tank leakages to pipeline ruptures, Accell® SBR provides relatively simple, fast and cost effective solutions to mitigating the environmental effects of oil and chemical spills.
LaSalle International has applied the use of Accel®l to soil washing, both large and small volume, to effectively remove petroleum contamination more efficiently than traditional soil washing processes. Where applicable, when soil washing with Accell®, in many cases the recovered petroleum can be re-refined, if practical.